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  • STRATEGY | UnitBirwelco

    Nuestra estrategia Conozca nuestros valores, nuestras metas y nuestros objetivos comerciales, así como cómo nos relacionamos con nuestros grupos de interés. Implement good governance (Institute of Directors IOD) Good Governance Index (GGI) Maintain our Carbon Negative Status Proceso de comunicación con las partes interesadas

  • ENVIRONMENT | UnitBirwelco

    OUR PROMISE We recognise that we can all play a part in improving the world we live in and in the way we conduct business and operate. Download our CSR report As a Carbon Negative business since 2020, we understand the need for businesses like ours to come together to fight against climate change. ​ We've made some positive changes in the way we impact our stakeholders, such as implementing ISO14001 at USE, transitioning to ISO45001 at UEC and Birwelco, implementing ISO45001 at USE, maintaining our Carbon Negative status, recruiting apprentices, and working with graduates from local universities. We also continue to find ways to improve our operations in ways that have a positive affect both internally and externally. supported projects Supported Project - Energy Efficient Cook Stove Implementation, India. Supported Project - AMI Khanh Hoa Solar Project, Vietnam. Supported Project - Chaiyaphum Wind Farm Power Project, Thailand. As an engineering and manufacturing business that operates around the world in complex but heavy engineering and in what is considered a dirty industry, it is important that we work in a way which is sustainable, ethical and that has a positive economic, social and environmental impact on society. ​ 2 years on from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, and one thing we've learnt from the world-wide disruption is how important it is for businesses, communities and governments to work together in order to tackle these global challenges. The pandemic escalated our health and safety efforts, but also highlighted the pressure we were putting our planet under. ​ Our Corporate Social Responsibility Report outlining our promises for the future and how we aim to further improve the way we work. You can download the report here

  • ABOUT | UnitBirwelco

    QUIENES SOMOS Establecido en 1903, el Grupo UnitBirwelco está formado por tres divisiones con sede en el Reino Unido estratégicamente ubicadas: Unit Superheater Engineering, Unit Engineers and Constructors y Birwelco. Birwelco Birwelco tiene su sede en Halesowen y es nuestra oficina de diseño. Con experiencia en antorchas, calentadores y una amplia gama de trabajos de diseño de ingeniería, Birwelco son expertos en diseño y creadores del diseño patentado Sonajet Flare. Birwelco Birwelco tiene su sede en Halesowen y es nuestra oficina de diseño. Con experiencia en antorchas, calentadores y una amplia gama de trabajos de diseño de ingeniería, Birwelco son expertos en diseño y creadores del diseño patentado Sonajet Flare. Ingeniería de sobrecalentamiento de la unidad Con sede en Swansea, USE tiene una oficina de diseño y dos grandes talleres. USE se especializa en equipos de transferencia de calor, calderas, END, fabricación y diseño de ingeniería. Birwelco Birwelco tiene su sede en Halesowen y es nuestra oficina de diseño. Con experiencia en antorchas, calentadores y una amplia gama de trabajos de diseño de ingeniería, Birwelco son expertos en diseño y creadores del diseño patentado Sonajet Flare. Ingenieros y constructores de unidades Nuestra oficina de Humberside, UECL, son expertos en paradas, trabajos en el sitio, mantenimiento y revisiones, con una división de tanques especializada adicional, así como un gran taller de fabricación. Birwelco Birwelco tiene su sede en Halesowen y es nuestra oficina de diseño. Con experiencia en antorchas, calentadores y una amplia gama de trabajos de diseño de ingeniería, Birwelco son expertos en diseño y creadores del diseño patentado Sonajet Flare.

  • HEAT EXCHANGERS | UnitBirwelco

    preguntar Siempre estamos listos para abordar nuevos proyectos y ayudarlo a elevar su negocio. Ponte en contacto, charlemos. ENVIAR UNA CONSULTA Descarga nuestro folleto intercambiadores de calor - reconocidos mundialmente UnitBirwelco ha diseñado y suministrado más de 5,000 intercambiadores de calor durante los últimos 50 años, incluidos enfriadores, evaporadores, intercambiadores, recalentadores, generadores de vapor, sobrecalentadores y unidades de vaporización. Nos especializamos en el diseño y producción de unidades a medida, hechas a medida para procesos específicos. Tipos de intercambiadores: Intercambiadores de carcasa y tubos Tubo en U Lámina de tubo fijo Placa de tubo fijo con junta de expansión o empaquetada Lámina de tubo flotante (cabezal flotante) Multitubo (aleta marrón) Tubo doble Los estándares de diseño mecánico cumplen con los requisitos de la Asociación de fabricación de intercambiadores tubulares (TEMA), API 660, OCMA, ANSI ASTM, ASME y las normas británicas. Nuestros sistemas de control de calidad cumplen con la norma ISO 18001. Calidad UnitBirwelco

  • BUNDLE PULLING | UnitBirwelco

    Bundle PullinG UnitBirwelco is a leading provider of bundle pulling services, be it for major shutdowns of 100 plus exchangers , spade-to-spade, or simple one-off pull and pushes. Nuestros equipos de extracción de paquetes están formados por operadores altamente capacitados con un vasto conocimiento de las técnicas de extracción de paquetes. Este conocimiento nos permite especializarnos en paquetes problemáticos y difíciles de eliminar. Además de nuestros servicios básicos de extracción de paquetes, también podemos llevar a cabo paquetes de respuesta integrales que involucran reparaciones, remodelaciones y / o re-entubado junto con el suministro y control de otros proveedores especializados. Establecida desde hace más de 50 años y con dos Mause hidráulicos y dos extractores de haces de cables, la división opera en todo el Reino Unido y mantiene numerosos contratos a plazo con empresas de primera línea como Total, ExxonMobil, BP, Ineos, Sabic y ConocoPhillips. Tenemos la capacidad de retirar / reemplazar paquetes de hasta 7,5 metros de largo, con diámetros de hasta 2 metros y pesos superiores a 27 toneladas. Esto nos permite ofrecer un servicio integral en la mayoría de los complejos industriales, incluido el trabajo en áreas peligrosas hasta los sitios registrados por COMAH de primer nivel. Address Lancaster Approach, North Killingholme, Immingham, DN40 3JZ Phone 01469 540 478 Email Download our brochure here

  • DIVISIONS | UnitBirwelco

    DIVISIONS We have 4 UK divisions, and 2 global locations in India and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Unit Superheater Engineering Engineering, Manufacturing, Superheaters, Heat Exchangers, NDT, Repair Birwelco Engineering, Project Management, Flares, Fired Heaters, Spares Support Unit Engineers and Constructors Engineering, Manufacturing, Site Work, Pipe work and Fabrication, Plastic Welding UnitBirwelco IISP Thermal Equipment Engineering, Manufacturing, Project Management, Fabrication, Flares, Fired Heaters UnitBirwelco Energy Green energy equipment upgrades, engineering, manufacturing, hydrogen boilers, flare gas recovery UnitBirwelco Middle East Engineering, Manufacturing, Project Management, Fabrication, Equipment Upgrades

  • PLASTIC WELDING | UnitBirwelco

    pLASTIC wELDING / fABRICATION sERVICES Unit Engineers & Constructors Ltd have recently added plastic pipework fabrication and welding capabilities to their range of services, which will complement their already extensive experience and history within the field of industrial pipework fabrication and installation. The requirement for plastic pipework systems fabricated from materials such as: Polypropylene, Polyethylene and PVDF, is widespread within the chemical and water related industries. Therefore, the addition of the plastic fabrication and welding capabilities will enable the company to offer their services to a wider market. The service offering will include full project management of plastic pipework fabrication including installation onto prefabricated skid units or within an existing plant facilities. As this new service is complimentary to their existing capabilities, the fabrication and installation of plastic fabrications alongside steel pipework fabrications, means the company can now offer a 'one stop shop approach' for pipework projects that include a multitude of material types. Should you wish to learn more about Unit Engineers & Constructor's range of services, or have an upcoming project for enquiry, please get in touch with the Immingham office for a free no obligation site survey and quotation. Download our brochure enquire We’re always ready to tackle new projects and help you elevate your business. Get in touch, let’s chat. SEND AN ENQUIRY

  • REGISTRATIONS | UnitBirwelco

    REGISTRATIONS EPIM JQS EPIM JQS is a supplier register and a service for qualification used by purchasers in the Norwegian oil and gas sector. It manages supplier information and risk in the supply chain, and enables efficient purchasing in accordance with EU regulations, covering most procurement needs. SupplHi SupplHi is the Vendor Management SaaS for industrial equipment and services chosen by the most demanding buyer organizations of all sizes to manage their vendor base efficiently and compliantly. ISNetworld ISNetworld is an online contractor and supplier management platform of data-driven products and services that help manage risk and strengthen relationships. It helps reduce unnecessary duplication associated with traditional qualification processes. Achilles Connecting buyers and suppliers, streamlining procurement and raising standards. ConCom The Humber Contractor Competency Forum was formed in 1999 by a group of collaborating clients and supporting contractors to establish and develop high standards of competency for companies and their employees working on the Humber Bank process industry sites. Avetta Avetta help Clients and their Suppliers manage supply chain safety, sustainability, and risk UVDB Achilles operates the prestigious Utilities Vendor Database Service (UVDB), used by leading UK utilities companies. Achilles UVDB accreditation entitles businesses to pre-qualify, using one questionnaire to market themselves across the whole industry. By achieving Achilles UVDB qualification, businesses can connect with the top utilities organisations.

  • OUR TEAM | UnitBirwelco

    Nuestra gente Dedication. Expertise. Passion. UEC General Manager Dave McIntyre Mail Birwelco Managing Director Dan Beishon Mail USE General Manager Steve Foligno Mail MD of UB IISP Vijay Singh Mail Quality and IS Manager Lee Dixon Mail Director of Birwelco Gaurav Shukla Mail CEO Cy Wilkinson Mail Finance Director Andrew Williams Mail HR & IT Manager Sophie Grinter Mail Marketing Kunika Luthra Mail Send us a message and we’ll get back to you shortly. Email Subject Your message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • FIRED HEATERS | UnitBirwelco

    CALENTADORES ENCENDIDOS - Garantizados calidad For over five decades, UnitBirwelco has stood as a formidable presence in the fired heater market. Our design prowess has consistently delivered substantial advantages to the petrochemical industry across diverse regions, including the UK, Europe, North America, as well as the Middle and Far East. Our global reach is underscored by the successful construction of over 750 refinery fired heaters, spanning from ethylene crackers to catalytic reformers and waste heat trains, to more recently, a first of its kind modular heater, making a significant impact worldwide. Continuous Improvement Revamps and retrofits can provide significant benefits in extending the operational life of furnace units. Our expertise reduces maintenance headaches, with reduced downtime equaling better productivity and profit. Similarly UnitBirwelco are experts at investigating mishaps and determining the best way forward for a quick turnaround. 24/7 Support 50-years+ of global pedigree installing fired heaters Expertise in fitting the design solution to the task Support, improvement and optimisation of existing installations Repair expertise that gets our customers back into production swiftly Modularisation expertise on hand Total spares support – a simple call away EI&C capabilities Address Birwelco, Trinity Point, Halesowen, Birmingham, B63 3HY Phone +44 (0) 121 585 5566 Email Download Brochure Click here or click the download icon

  • Produced Water Treatment | UnitBirwelco

    Recuperación de gas de antorcha Una solución sustentable Birwelco has a longstanding history of specialised expertise in wastewater treatment plant design, with a dedicated division dedicated to this field. Our current team at Birwelco not only benefits from the legacy of past Birwelco contracts but also brings a wealth of experience gained through their collaborations with other prominent employers within the wastewater treatment sector. Nuestra experiencia de 40 años como proveedor líder mundial de sistemas de antorcha garantiza que nuestros sistemas de recuperación de gas de antorcha cumplen los requisitos de nuestros clientes y satisfacen la industria más exigente y los estándares reconocidos internacionalmente. Nuestra capacidad y experiencia nos permite proporcionar unidades de recuperación de gas de antorcha como parte de un nuevo sistema de antorcha o como una instalación adicional dentro de un sistema de antorcha existente, todo para satisfacer los requisitos específicos del cliente. Estos sistemas no solo agregan valor monetario, sino también mediante mejoras ambientales a través de la reducción activa de la emisión de gases residuales. Servicios ofrecidos Hydroclones —Uses hydrodynamic cyclonic effect to generate high g-forces to separate phases efficiently in a very short residence time. —High oil removal efficiency, compact equipment, in-sensitive to external motion —Requires high pressure drop for efficient operation, requires steady inlet flow/conditions Gas Floatation methods Various technologies available to impart fine gas bubbles into water to lift out oil/solid particles —High oil removal efficiency, can handle wide range/ fluctuating inlet conc’s —Generally requires gas supply, required chemicals for enhanced performance Filtration methods —Various filtration technologies available from simple cartridge type, activated carbon, media bed (anthracite etc.) and Walnut Shell ​ —Very high oil removal efficiency, can handle wide range/ fluctuating inlet concentrations —Problem with media disposal or regeneration, large complex systems for large flow rates Gravity / API Separators —Original treatment method —Large tank with high res. Time —Simple design, no moving parts, relatively cheap. —Large vessels, ineffective with small oil droplets, requires long res. Time to get efficient separation​​ Typical Equipment Packages Modular Hydrocyclone/Flotation Package Deoiling Hydrocyclone Package (High Spec) Produced Water Injection Pumps Walnut Shell Filters Multimedia Filter Multimedia Filter Desanding Package Gas Flotation & Skimmer Packages Desanding Package Standard Deoiling Hydrocyclone Vessels Address Birwelco, Trinity Point, Halesowen, Birmingham, B63 3HY Phone +44 (0) 121 585 5566 Email Download Brochure Click here or click the download icon

  • CONTACT US | UnitBirwelco

    CONTÁCTENOS ¿Está interesado en hablar con una o más de las empresas de nuestro grupo? Estaremos encantados de responder cualquier consulta. Contáctenos Enviar ¡Gracias por enviarnos! Alternativamente, puede ponerse en contacto con nuestras 3 divisiones individualmente- Birwelco Ltd Tel - +44 (0) 121585 5566 Correo electrónico - Unit Superheater Engineering Ltd Tel - +44 (0) 1792 654091 Correo electrónico: Unit Engineers and Constructors Ltd Tel - +44 (0) 1469 540 478 Correo electrónico: DONDE USTED PUEDE ENCONTRARNOS

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