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77 résultats trouvés pour ""

  • FIRED HEATERS | UnitBirwelco

    UnitBirwelco has been a powerful force in the fired heater market, with our design expertise delivering benefits to the petrochemical industry across the World CHAUFFAGES INCENDIE - Garantis qualité For over five decades, UnitBirwelco has stood as a formidable presence in the fired heater market. Our design prowess has consistently delivered substantial advantages to the petrochemical industry across diverse regions, including the UK, Europe, North America, as well as the Middle and Far East. Our global reach is underscored by the successful construction of over 750 refinery fired heaters, spanning from ethylene crackers to catalytic reformers and waste heat trains, to more recently, a first of its kind modular heater, making a significant impact worldwide. Continuous Improvement Revamps and retrofits can provide significant benefits in extending the operational life of furnace units. Our expertise reduces maintenance headaches, with reduced downtime equaling better productivity and profit. Similarly UnitBirwelco are experts at investigating mishaps and determining the best way forward for a quick turnaround. 24/7 Support 50-years+ of global pedigree installing fired heaters Expertise in fitting the design solution to the task Support, improvement and optimisation of existing installations Repair expertise that gets our customers back into production swiftly Modularisation expertise on hand Total spares support – a simple call away EI&C capabilities Address Birwelco, 2nd Floor, Maybrook House, Queensway, Halesowen, West Midlands B63 4AH Phone +44 (0) 121 585 5566 Email Download Brochure Click here or click the download icon

  • UnitBirwelco IISP Thermal Equipment | UnitBirwelco

    Our joint venture is a powerhouse poised to redefine the engineering and fabrication landscape from our cutting-edge facility in India. UnitBirwelco IISP Thermal Equipment Private Limited UnitBirwelco Thermal Equipment is our first international location, based in Noida, India. Elevate your projects to new heights with UnitBirwelco IISP Thermal Equipment Private Limited! Our joint venture is a powerhouse poised to redefine the engineering and fabrication landscape from our cutting-edge facility in India. This is more than a partnership – it's a promise of excellence. Drawing on the collective expertise of both parties, we're excited to pioneer a new era of innovation in collaboration with IISP. UnitBirwelco IISP Thermal Equipment Private Ltd is your gateway to specialized design mastery, encompassing flares, heaters, heat exchangers, boilers, and a suite of thermal equipment tailored exclusively for your project. What sets us apart? Our strategic utilisation of a state-of-the-art manufacturing hub in India, strategically positioned to cater to the dynamic needs of our global clientele operating within the region. From concept to reality, we're here to make your projects shine. Examples of previous work Contact Us Address A110 , Second Floor , Sector 136 Noida. Uttar Pradesh Contact +91 120 6256 115 +91 955 5554 440 Opening Hours Mon - Sat 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Sunday CLOSED

  • UnitBirwelco Energy | UnitBirwelco

    As a Carbon Negative business since 2020, we understand the need for businesses like ours to come together to fight against climate change. Our green division, UnitBirwelco Energy, can offer hydrogen boilers, flare gas recovery, as well as energy efficient equipment upgrades. UnitBirwelco Energy UnitBirwelco Energy is our green energy division, focusing on clean energy and equipment upgrades. As a Carbon Negative business since 2020, we understand the need for businesses like ours to come together to fight against climate change. Our green division, UnitBirwelco Energy, can offer hydrogen boilers, flare gas recovery , as well as energy efficient equipment upgrades. Contact Us Address Trinity Point, Halesowen, West Midlands B63 3HY Contact Opening Hours Mon - Fri 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Weekends CLOSED

  • Birwelco | UnitBirwelco

    Experts in engineering design, global project management, patented flare systems and flare gas recovery. Birwelco is based in Halesowen and are our design office Birwelco Experts in engineering design, global project management, patented flare systems and flare gas recovery. Birwelco is based in Halesowen and are our design office. With expertise in flares, heaters and a wide scope of engineering design work, Birwelco are experts in design, and creators of the Sonajet Flare Design. Founded in 1902 as our oldest division, Birwelco has a wealthy history of heaters, flares, boilers, processing skids and a wide range of projects. Examples of previous work Contact Us Address 2nd Floor, Maybrook House, Queensway, Halesowen, West Midlands B63 4AH Contact 0121 585 5566 Opening Hours Mon - Fri Weekend 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CLOSED

  • Unit Superheater Engineering | UnitBirwelco

    Front runners in the design and manufacturing of Superheaters and other static equipment, Located in Swansea. Unit Superheater Engineering Contact Us Front runners in the design and manufacturing of Superheaters and other static equipment. Located in Swansea, USE boasts a state-of-the-art design office and operates two expansive workshops. Our core expertise lies in the field of heat transfer equipment, boilers, non-destructive testing (NDT), fabrication, and engineering design. Our facilities include two spacious bays, each measuring an impressive 120 meters in length and 22 meters in width. Within these bays, we house two robust overhead cranes, each with a remarkable 10-ton capacity. Additionally, our workshop features a cutting-edge Heat Treatment Furnace and a dedicated NDT compound equipped with advanced tools, such as X-ray, Gamma Ray, Ultrasonic testing, Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI), and Dye Penetrant Inspection (DPI). Examples of previous work HP Manifolds Air Cooler HP Superheater Power Case Study Jacketed HP Contact Us Address Unit House, Elba Crescent, Swansea, SA1 8QE Contact 01792 654 091 Opening Hours Mon - Thu 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm Weekend CLOSED

  • Unit Engineers and Constructors | UnitBirwelco

    Our extensive experience shines through our seamless collaboration with major clients, both on-site and through our in-house manufacturing facility. Unit Engineers and Constructors UEC brings together fabrication, mechanical construction and maintenance expertise with specialist engineering services. Nestled in Humberside, UECL stands as a beacon of expertise when it comes to shutdowns, site operations, maintenance, and comprehensive overhauls. In addition to our mastery in these areas, we proudly house a dedicated specialised tank division and boast an expansive fabrication shop. Our extensive experience shines through our seamless collaboration with major clients, both on-site and through our in-house manufacturing facility. With a proven track record, UECL is your trusted partner for all your industrial needs. Examples of previous work Tank Cleaning Storage Tank Contact Us Address Lancaster Approach, North Killingholme, Immingham, DN40 3JZ Contact 01469 540 478 Opening Hours Mon - Fri 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Weekend CLOSED

  • UnitBirwelco Middle East | UnitBirwelco

    UnitBirwelco Middle East The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , more information coming soon!

  • ENVIRONMENT | UnitBirwelco

    Discover our company's commitment to creating a positive and sustainable environment. Learn about our initiatives and values on our company environment page. OUR PROMISE We recognise that we can all play a part in improving the world we live in and in the way we conduct business and operate. Download our CSR report As a Carbon Negative business since 2020, we understand the need for businesses like ours to come together to fight against climate change. We've made some positive changes in the way we impact our stakeholders, such as implementing ISO14001 at USE, transitioning to ISO45001 at UEC and Birwelco, implementing ISO45001 at USE, maintaining our Carbon Negative status, recruiting apprentices, and working with graduates from local universities. We also continue to find ways to improve our operations in ways that have a positive affect both internally and externally. supported projects Supported Project - Renewable Solar Power Project, India. Supported Project - Bergres Wind Power Project, Turkey. As an engineering and manufacturing business that operates around the world in complex but heavy engineering and in what is considered a dirty industry, it is important that we work in a way which is sustainable, ethical and that has a positive economic, social and environmental impact on society. 5 years on from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, and one thing we've learnt from the world-wide disruption is how important it is for businesses, communities and governments to work together in order to tackle these global challenges. The pandemic escalated our health and safety efforts, but also highlighted the pressure we were putting our planet under. Our Corporate Social Responsibility Report outlining our promises for the future and how we aim to further improve the way we work. You can download the report here

  • STORAGE TANKS | UnitBirwelco

    UnitBirwelco's Storage Tank maintenance, repair & refurbishment division provides a comprehensive range of services for fixed and floating roof storage tanks. RÉSERVOIRS DE STOCKAGE CONSTRUIT SUR LE SITE, ENTRETIEN, RÉVISION ET RÉPARATION DES RÉSERVOIRS DE STOCKAGE La division dédiée à la maintenance, la réparation et la remise à neuf des réservoirs de stockage d'UnitBirwelco offre une gamme complète de services pour les réservoirs de stockage à toit fixe et flottant, de la réparation et de la modification ponctuelles aux rénovations majeures, à la maintenance à long terme, à la conception et à la construction. «Notre personnel API / EEMUA expérimenté et qualifié peut également offrir des conseils et des solutions de réparation uniques conformes aux exigences des codes britanniques, européens et américains» Nous offrons- Remplacement de la plaque annulaire Remise à neuf des fondations de réservoirs Retrait et remplacement des plaques de fond, de toit et de coque du réservoir Levage du réservoir hydraulique Remplacement du ponton et du pont central Nettoyage de cuve Spade to Spade Concevoir et construire Nous proposons également des services complets de conception, d'ingénierie et de fabrication pour la tuyauterie et l'ingénierie associée avec 1 600 m² d'ateliers et 8 500 m² de stockage et de stockage. Indépendamment de la taille du projet ou de la portée du travail unique ou multidisciplinaire, notre concentration sur les solutions de conception innovantes, la santé et la sécurité et les stratégies zéro incident, offre des gains d'efficacité tangibles, des économies de coûts et atténue les risques connus et imprévus. Chez UnitBirwelco, nous nous engageons à respecter les normes de contrôle de qualité les plus élevées et nous nous efforçons d'être au sommet de notre industrie. Cet engagement s'étend à toutes nos opérations, de la fabrication et de la fabrication à la conception et aux systèmes de gestion. En atteignant constamment les normes les plus élevées, nous visons à dépasser les attentes de nos clients et les exigences réglementaires pour offrir un environnement de travail sûr et un service client de classe mondiale. renseigner Nous sommes toujours prêts à entreprendre de nouveaux projets et à vous aider à développer votre entreprise. Contactez-nous, discutons. ENVOYER UNE DEMANDE Téléchargez notre brochure

  • REGISTRATIONS | UnitBirwelco

    These registrations enable Unit Birwelco to compete effectively in the global market, often being a prerequisite for bidding on major projects and contracts. REGISTRATIONS SupplHi SupplHi is the Vendor Management SaaS for industrial equipment and services chosen by the most demanding buyer organizations of all sizes to manage their vendor base efficiently and compliantly. ISNetworld ISNetworld is an online contractor and supplier management platform of data-driven products and services that help manage risk and strengthen relationships. It helps reduce unnecessary duplication associated with traditional qualification processes. Achilles Connecting buyers and suppliers, streamlining procurement and raising standards. ConCom The Humber Contractor Competency Forum was formed in 1999 by a group of collaborating clients and supporting contractors to establish and develop high standards of competency for companies and their employees working on the Humber Bank process industry sites. Avetta Avetta help Clients and their Suppliers manage supply chain safety, sustainability, and risk UVDB Achilles operates the prestigious Utilities Vendor Database Service (UVDB), used by leading UK utilities companies. Achilles UVDB accreditation entitles businesses to pre-qualify, using one questionnaire to market themselves across the whole industry. By achieving Achilles UVDB qualification, businesses can connect with the top utilities organisations.

  • SAFETY & QUALITY | UnitBirwelco

    Safety is at the heart of everything that we do. As an organisation and as individuals we are committed to creating a safe working environment and preventing risk, accidents and ill health. SÉCURITÉ ET QUALITÉ SÉCURITÉ La sécurité est au cœur de tout ce que nous faisons. En tant qu'organisation et en tant qu'individus, nous nous engageons à créer un environnement de travail sûr et à prévenir les risques, les accidents et les problèmes de santé. Nos responsables opérationnels sont soutenus par nos coordinateurs dédiés à la santé et à la sécurité qui font partie intégrante de notre équipe de direction. Les objectifs de notre politique en matière de santé et de sécurité comprennent: La mise en place de structures organisationnelles appropriées dans la gestion de la santé et de la sécurité, avec une définition claire des devoirs et des responsabilités de tous les employés La promotion d'une culture de la santé et de la sécurité, obtenue en assurant une représentation et une participation efficaces de tous les employés Mécanismes et systèmes pour assurer une amélioration progressive de la santé et de la sécurité pour tous les employés de UnitBirwelco Liaison et collaboration efficaces avec les organismes de normalisation, les institutions professionnelles et les associations professionnelles des autorités de régulation Certifié OHSAS 18001 Nos principes généraux de sécurité incluent - mais ne sont pas limités à - l'élévation des normes de travail et la sensibilisation à la santé et à la sécurité parmi les administrateurs, les gestionnaires et les autres employés du groupe, ainsi que le renforcement du rôle important de la représentation des employés dans la gestion de la santé et de la sécurité. Qualité Chez UnitBirwelco, nous nous engageons à respecter les normes de contrôle de qualité les plus élevées et nous nous efforçons d'être au sommet de notre industrie. Cet engagement s'étend à toutes nos opérations, de la fabrication et de la fabrication à la conception et aux systèmes de gestion. En atteignant constamment les normes les plus élevées, nous visons à dépasser les attentes et les exigences réglementaires de nos clients et à offrir un environnement de travail sûr et un service client de classe mondiale. La certification joue un rôle important pour garantir que nous respectons ces normes de manière cohérente. Dans tout le groupe, nous sommes certifiés selon les normes suivantes: Certificat de conformité CE à la directive des équipements sous pression 2014/68 / CE Fabricant d'appareils sous pression certifié ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), U Code Stamp Fabricant et assembleur de chaudières certifié ASME, S Code Stamp Certificat d'autorisation du Conseil national «R» Certificat d'autorisation d'inscription du Conseil national `` NB '' Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance ISO 9001 Management Systems United Registrar of Systems (URS) ISO 9001 Management Systems Systèmes de gestion SGS ISO 9001 ISO 3834-2 EN 1090: Classe Ex 4 Need a Cert? Take a look at our downloads page to have access to all our certifications and relating documents.

  • ABOUT US | UnitBirwelco

    A brief overview of our history & the values behind UnitBirwelco. Notre histoire et les valeurs de UnitBirwelco À PROPOS DE NOUS 1902 Création de Birwelco Ltd - Experts en conception technique, gestion de projets mondiaux et systèmes de torches brevetés 1909 Génie du surchauffeur d'unité formé - Les coureurs avant dans la conception et la fabrication de surchauffeurs et d'autres équipements statiques. 2002 Formation d'ingénieurs et de constructeurs d'unité - Offrant une expertise en fabrication, construction mécanique et maintenance 2004 En 2004, Unit Superheaters a été acquis par les ingénieurs et les constructeurs d'unité, réunissant l'expertise en fabrication, en construction mécanique et en maintenance avec des services d'ingénierie spécialisés. 2010 Le groupe d'unité a acquis Birwelco - en ajoutant la conception technique, la gestion de projet global et l'approvisionnement et des systèmes de torche brevetés, pour créer l'un des seuls véritables entrepreneurs EPCM du Royaume-Uni. 2020 Nouvelle orientation - Avec une nouvelle direction, de nouveaux départements et une orientation stratégique sur la croissance. L'histoire d'UnitBirwelco apporte une perspective unique aux projets EPCM: nous avons une compréhension innée des solutions d'ingénierie complexes et une conscience aiguë du niveau de détail et de précision qui sont fondamentaux pour tous les grands projets d'ingénierie. 2021 UnitBirwelco Ltd incorporate UnitBirwelco IISP Thermal Equipment and open a project office, both in Noida, India, adding to our global capabilities. 2022 New focus - With a greater focus on Net Zero than ever before, the UnitBirwelco Group and it's JV UnitBirwelco IISP Thermal Equipment continue to provide engineering solutions to customers across the globe. 2023 UB Group reach new heights across the world- The development of our new division in the middle east is in the works, with continuous growth across all of our other divisions. Fiable Nous sommes un fournisseur de services complets avec une communication point à point comme jamais auparavant. Qualité Nous nous engageons à respecter les normes de contrôle de qualité les plus élevées et sommes entièrement certifiés afin de fournir un service de classe mondiale Expérimenté Avec plus de 100 ans d'expérience dans notre industrie, nos connaissances et notre expérience peuvent aider n'importe quel projet. Dernières nouvelles des ateliers ...

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