Pipework & Mechanical Installation
With access to 2 fabrication shops on site as well as a clean safety record, Unit Engineers and Constructors Ltd as part of the UnitBirwelco Group are front runners in fabrication, quick turnarounds and mechanical installation.
Fabrication - Pipe spool fabrication, Steelwork
Workshop capability for project support as well as
stand alone enquiries
Package Units- Skid fabrication and fit out
Storage Tanks – Refurbishment & Repair
Erection – of all the above plus general
Process plant & project execution of 'supply &
install' contracts
Maintenance – quick turnarounds
Extensive Bundle Pulling capabilities
Our strength lies in a dedicated team capable of carrying our quick turnaround pipework and mechanical installation. Our mechanical installation capabilities include but are not limited to-

Fin Fans
Pipework and steelwork

With 1.2 million man hours without a reportable incident, Unit Engineers and Constructors are proud of the safe work practices and culture that has enabled us to pass this milestone.
We're always ready to tackle new projects and help you elevate your business. Get in touch, lets chat.
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We can offer-