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Project Management

UnitBirwelco is one of the only Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCm) contractors in the UK with the ability to deliver the full range of EPC services using internal resources. The goal of our project management team is to ensure these, and all other aspects of a project, are tightly integrated, cost effective and delivered on time.
We focus on our customers’ priorities and ensure their business objectives are achieved, their competitive advantage maintained and risks mitigated to the greatest possible extent.
Our professional project managers possess a detailed knowledge of project activities, such as contract administration, risk management and cost control, and combine the use of robust project management systems with an ability to adapt and innovate.
The UnitBirwelco project management system complies to ISO 9001. In addition, our project management strategies, processes, procedures and methods follow the guidelines and intentions of BS 6079 – ‘Guide to Project Management’.
UnitBirwelco has provided project management services for in excess of 300 process plants.
"We are one of the only Engineering Procurement and Construction Management contractors in the UK"