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  • Privacy Policy | UnitBirwelco

    View UnitBirwelco's privacy policy UnitBirwelco隱私政策 Unit Superheater Engineering Ltd,Birwelco Ltd和Unit Engineers and Constructors Ltd是UnitBirwelco集團的一部分。本隱私政策將解釋當您使用我們的網站時,組織如何使用我們從您那裡收集的個人數據。 話題: 我們收集什麼數據? 我們如何收集您的數據? 我們將如何使用您的數據? 我們如何存儲您的數據? 營銷 您有什麼數據保護權利? 什麼是餅乾? 我們如何使用Cookie? 其他網站的隱私政策 更改我們的隱私政策 如何联絡我們 如何联系適當的當局 1.我們收集什麼數據? 我們收集以下數據: 個人身份信息(姓名,電子郵件地址,電話號碼等) 輸入到我們的聯繫表中的任何信息 Google Analytics(分析)獲得的基本信息 2.我們如何收集您的數據? 您向UnitBirwelco提供了我們收集的大多數數據。當您執行以下操作時,我們將存儲您的數據: 填寫“聯繫我們”表格,該表格可以在我們所有的產品/服務頁面以及“關於我們”頁面上找到。 通過瀏覽器的Cookie使用/查看我們的網站 3.我們將如何使用您的數據? UnitBirwelco收集您的數據是為了- 將您包括在我們的電子郵件活動中,以使您及時了解新聞,公告等。 聯繫我們,以提供我們認為與您/您的業務有關的任何信息 4.我們如何存儲您的數據? UnitBirwelco將您的數據存儲在安全的雲數據庫中。 UnitBirwelco將您的個人數據保留5年。該期限到期後,我們將通過在系統上永久刪除和銷毀數據來刪除您的數據。 5.行銷 UnitBirwelco希望向您發送有關我們認為與您有關的產品和服務以及我們三個獨立部門,即Unit Superheater Engineering Ltd,Birwelco Ltd和Unit Engineers and Constructors Ltd.的產品和服務的信息。 如果您同意接受我們的市場營銷,則可以隨時選擇退出。您有權停止UnitBirwelco出於市場營銷目的隨時與您聯繫和/或將您的數據分發給UnitBirwelco集團的其他成員。 如果您不再希望與您聯繫,請單擊此處, 並通過電子郵件告知我們您更新的首選項。 6.您有什麼數據保護權利? UnitBirwelco希望確保您完全了解所有數據保護權利。每個用戶都有權使用以下內容; 訪問權-您有權要求UnitBirwelco索取您的個人數據的副本。這項服務可能會產生少量費用。 糾正權-您有權要求UnitBirwelco糾正您認為不正確的任何信息。 刪除權-您有權在某些條件下要求UnitBirwelco限制對您的個人數據的處理。 限制處理的權利–在某些情況下,您有權要求UnitBirwelco限制對您的個人數據的處理。 反對處理的權利-在某些條件下,您有權反對UnitBirwelco處理您的個人數據。 數據攜帶權-您有權要求UnitBirwelco在一定條件下將我們收集的數據轉移給另一個組織,或直接轉移給您。 如果您提出此要求,我們有一個月的時間回复您。如果您想行使這些權利中的任何一項,請通過 與我們聯繫,或致電01792654091與我們聯繫,或寫信給我們- 糧農組織市場部 單元過熱器工程(UnitBirwelco)單元房, 厄爾巴新月街厄爾巴商業園 斯旺西 SA1 8QE。 7.什麼是Cookie? Cookies是放置在您的計算機上的文本文件,用於收集標準的Internet日誌信息和訪問者行為信息。當您訪問我們的網站時,我們可能會通過Cookie或類似技術自動向您收集信息。 有關cookie的更多信息,請訪問相關網站。 8.我們如何使用Cookie? UnitBirwelco通過多種方式使用Cookie,以改善您在我們網站上的體驗。 9.其他網站的隱私政策 有時,UnitBirwelco網站會鏈接到其他網站。我們的隱私政策僅適用於我們的網站。 10.更改我們的隱私政策 UnitBirwelco會定期檢查其隱私政策,並在此頁面上進行任何更新,請確保檢查是否有任何更改。該隱私政策的最新更新時間為2020年2月。 11.如何联系我們 如果您對UnitBirwelco的隱私政策,我們存儲的數據有任何疑問,或者您想行使您的一項數據保護權利,請隨時與我們聯繫。 電子郵件– 電話-01792 654091 寫信給我們-糧農組織市場部,過熱器工程部(Birwelco部),單元房,薩瓦西,斯旺西,厄爾巴灣(Elba Crescent),厄爾巴商業園,SA1 8QE。 12.如何联系適當的主管部門 如果您希望舉報投訴,或者您覺得UnitBirwelco未能以令人滿意的方式解決您的問題,則可以聯繫信息專員辦公室。


    UnitBirwelco has designed and supplied Air Cooled Heat Exchangers to customers worldwide, for service in refinery, chemical, petrochemical, power and energy related industries. 風冷熱交換器-前流道 在過去的50年中,UnitBirwelco為全球客戶設計並提供了1,000多個風冷熱交換器,用於煉油,化學和石化,電力和能源相關行業的服務。 在UnitBirwelco,我們致力於最高質量控制標準,並努力成為行業的佼佼者。這項承諾涵蓋了我們從製造和製造到設計和管理系統的所有運營。 通過始終如一地達到最高標準,我們旨在超越客戶的期望和法規要求,並在安全的工作環境中提供世界一流的客戶服務。 專家設計 我們通過了以下認證: EC壓力設備指令2014/68 / EC合格證書 ASME(美國機械工程師協會)認證的壓力容器製造商,U Code Stamp ASME認證的動力鍋爐製造商和組裝商,S代碼印章 國家委員會“ R”授權證書 國家委員會“ NB”授權書進行註冊 勞埃德船級社質量保證ISO 9001管理體系 系統聯合註冊商(URS)ISO 9001管理系統 SGS ISO 9001管理體系 ISO 18001 查詢 下載我們的手冊 我們隨時準備處理新項目,並幫助您提升業務。保持聯繫,開始聊天。 發送詢問

  • CMT Weld Overlay | UnitBirwelco

    Unit Superheater Engineering supply weld overlaid boiler tube, supplying to the energy from waste, biomass, and fossil fuelled power industry within the UK and Europe. CMT Boiler tube weld overlay Unit Superheater Engineering supply weld overlaid boiler tube, supplying to the energy from waste, biomass, and fossil fuelled power industry within the UK and Europe. Unit Superheater utilise the Cold Metal Transfer welding technology , delivering an automated and controlled application of weld overlay cladding to standard base tube. Alloy 625 (ErNiCrMo-3) has successfully been used to significantly extend the life of boiler tubes in highly corrosive environments such as energy-from-waste boilers for many years, and continues to be the material of choice to combat most fireside corrosion issues. Advances in the search for superior performance alloys to challenge the most aggressive superheater corrosion, have resulted in Alloy 686 being selected by several of the latest generation of Energy from Waste plants. Advanced welding system architecture, ensure repeatable quality, and a high integrity weld overlay, with ultra low weld chemistry dilution. The weld overlay application encompasses the full range of typical boiler tube sizes 38 mm – 76.1 mm, but with the enhanced capability for large diameters up to 220 mm diameter for header and collector bodies, and < 38 mm for specialised superheater applications. CMT weld overlaid tube combines the economics and strength of a carbon or low alloy steel base tube material, with a NiCrMo weld overlay layer in a range of materials. CMT weld overlaid tube is a high integrity pressure part component, with controlled weld chemistry and ductility, and is suitable for cold and hot finish bending. Material combinations of base tube and weld overlay alloy can be tailored to suit specific corrosion and erosion conditions, and pressure part design requirements. High temperature fireside corrosion in boilers is a complex process, many factors contribute to tube degradation, and alloy selection is critical to providing the optimum solution that balances reliability and economics. Consistent and uniform, the CMT process delivers an ultra-low dilution weld overlay of assured repeatable quality. The standard process applies a single layer of a minimum thickness 2.0 mm. Increased thickness can be achieved in either single or double layer to meet customer bespoke specifications. Applications include: Water wall inserts & fabricated tube panels Replacement superheaters Replacement superheater bends Screen wall tubes Burner, sootblower, & door aperture tubes Headers and collectors Want to know more? Talk to a member of the team - Email Phone See it in action...

  • PLASTIC WELDING | UnitBirwelco

    pLASTIC wELDING / fABRICATION sERVICES Unit Engineers & Constructors Ltd have recently added plastic pipework fabrication and welding capabilities to their range of services, which will complement their already extensive experience and history within the field of industrial pipework fabrication and installation. The requirement for plastic pipework systems fabricated from materials such as: Polypropylene, Polyethylene and PVDF, is widespread within the chemical and water related industries. Therefore, the addition of the plastic fabrication and welding capabilities will enable the company to offer their services to a wider market. The service offering will include full project management of plastic pipework fabrication including installation onto prefabricated skid units or within an existing plant facilities. As this new service is complimentary to their existing capabilities, the fabrication and installation of plastic fabrications alongside steel pipework fabrications, means the company can now offer a 'one stop shop approach' for pipework projects that include a multitude of material types. Should you wish to learn more about Unit Engineers & Constructor's range of services, or have an upcoming project for enquiry, please get in touch with the Immingham office for a free no obligation site survey and quotation. Download our brochure enquire We’re always ready to tackle new projects and help you elevate your business. Get in touch, let’s chat. SEND AN ENQUIRY

  • FLARE GAS RECOVERY | UnitBirwelco

    UnitBirwelco offers a full scope of in-house services: process and engineering design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning for Flare Gas Recovery. Flare Gas Recovery- A Sustainable Solution Unlocking Profit from Waste: Embrace Flare Gas Recovery for a Sustainable and Profitable Future. Discover the unparalleled value of UnitBirwelco's comprehensive suite of in-house services, meticulously tailored to meet your every need. Our expert team specialises in a wide array of offerings, including cutting-edge process and engineering design, precision manufacturing, seamless installation, and flawless commissioning, all seamlessly integrated to deliver exceptional Flare Gas Recovery packages. Elevate your project with UnitBirwelco and experience the epitome of excellence in every facet of your venture. 作為全球領先的火炬系統供應商,我們40多年的經驗確保我們的火炬氣回收系統能夠滿足客戶的要求,並滿足最苛刻的行業和國際認可的標準。 我們的能力和經驗使我們能夠提供火炬氣回收裝置,作為新火炬系統的一部分或現有火炬系統中的額外安裝,所有這些都可以滿足客戶的特定要求。這些系統不僅可以通過貨幣增加價值,還可以通過積極減少廢氣排放來改善環境。 Unlock hidden value Transform wasted resources into profits with our flare gas recovery system. Monetize previously discarded materials and turn them into a valuable resource. Environmental Stewardship Join the fight against climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Our system helps you minimise your carbon footprint, contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable future. Enhanced Environment Say goodbye to excessive noise and unsightly visual pollution. Our system operates quietly and discreetly, preserving the tranquility and aesthetics of your surroundings. 提供的服務 可行性和經濟研究。我們的工程師可以根據設備選擇和選型建議,確定火炬氣回收系統是否對您的設施有利。 根據客戶要求定制工程設計,並完全符合PED,ATEX和其他行業標準。 完整的撬裝套件或帶有控制系統的預組裝和經過測試的模塊化單元。 備件 回收氣體露點,氣體脫糖。 Address Birwelco, 2nd Floor, Maybrook House, Queensway, Halesowen, West Midlands B63 4AH Phone 0121 585 5566 Email Download Download Brochure Click here or click the download icon

  • POWER GENERATION | UnitBirwelco

    UnitBirwelco's dedicated Boiler & Superheater division provides a comprehensive range of services for headers, economisers, tubing, panels, manifolds, repair and replacement. POWER GENERATION Experience the excellence of UnitBirwelco's dedicated Boiler & Superheater division! Unlock a world of comprehensive services tailored to your needs. From headers and economisers to tubing, panels, and manifolds, we've got you covered. Our team specialises in seamless repair and replacement solutions. Elevate your boiler and superheater experience with us today. 在UnitBirwelco,我們致力於最高質量控制標準,並努力成為行業的佼佼者。這項承諾涵蓋了我們從製造和製造到設計和管理系統的所有運營。 通過始終如一地達到最高標準,我們旨在超越客戶的期望和法規要求,並在安全的工作環境中提供世界一流的客戶服務。 在UnitBirwelco,我們致力於最高質量控制標準,並努力成為行業的佼佼者。這項承諾涵蓋了我們從製造和製造到設計和管理系統的所有運營。 通過始終如一地達到最高標準,我們旨在超越客戶的期望和法規要求,並在安全的工作環境中提供世界一流的客戶服務。 Address Unit Superheater Engineering, Unit House, Elba Crescent, Swansea, SA1 8QE Phone +44 (0) 1792 654091 Email Connect


    With access to 2 large fabrication facilities, UEC are front runners in pipeworjk fabrication and mechanical installation. 風冷熱交換器-前流道 在過去的50年中,UnitBirwelco為全球客戶設計並提供了1,000多個風冷熱交換器,用於煉油,化學和石化,電力和能源相關行業的服務。 在UnitBirwelco,我們致力於最高質量控制標準,並努力成為行業的佼佼者。這項承諾涵蓋了我們從製造和製造到設計和管理系統的所有運營。 通過始終如一地達到最高標準,我們旨在超越客戶的期望和法規要求,並在安全的工作環境中提供世界一流的客戶服務。 EC壓力設備指令2014/68 / EC合格證書 ASME(美國機械工程師協會)認證的壓力容器製造商,U Code Stamp ASME認證的動力鍋爐製造商和組裝商,S代碼印章 國家委員會“ R”授權證書 國家委員會“ NB”授權書進行註冊 勞埃德船級社質量保證ISO 9001管理體系 系統聯合註冊商(URS)ISO 9001管理系統 SGS ISO 9001管理體系 ISO 18001 Pumps Tanks Compressors Exchangers Fin Fans Turbines Pipework and steelwork With 1.2 million man hours without a reportable incident, Unit Engineers and Constructors are proud of the safe work practices and culture that has enabled us to pass this milestone. We're always ready to tackle new projects and help you elevate your business. Get in touch, lets chat. enquire SEND AN ENQUIRY Download our brochure 專家設計

  • NDT SERVICES | UnitBirwelco

    UnitBirwelco have NDT capabilities available in house at our Swansea location. Our dedicated and highly skilled personnel will ensure a dependable and quality assured service. 查詢 我們隨時準備處理新項目,並幫助您提升業務。保持聯繫,開始聊天。 發送詢問 下載我們的手冊 無損檢測服務 除了我們提供的廣泛服務之外,我們在斯旺西的辦事處還提供內部無損檢測功能。我們敬業的專業技術人員將確保提供可靠且質量有保證的服務。 我們的設備和人員認證使我們能夠提供值得信賴的建議,並滿足客戶的個人目標和要求。 我們提供- 超聲波測試(UT) X射線和伽瑪射線照相 磁粉探傷(MPI) 染料滲透測試(DPI) 積極材料鑑定(PMI) 全部在我們位於斯旺西的製造工廠內部

  • Experience | UnitBirwelco

    Case Studies & Experience Thank you for taking the time to take a look at our past successes. If you'd like any further information, please don't hesitate to get in contact, or use the chat feature at the bottom right of the page. Our Story With over 100 years experience, we have a lot of successes to shout about. Browse our gallery or download some example of our case studies below. Want something that isn't listed? Please get in contact and we'll happily provide you with some information. Superheater Superheater Exchanger Superheater 1/28 Fuel Gas Skid case study Flare Gas recovery case study 12 X Air Cooled Heat Exchangers Case Study Titanium tube bundle case study Power Case Study HP & LP Flares Case Study 6 x F92 High Pressure Superheater Outlet Manifolds 6 x F92 High Pressure Superheater Outlet Manifolds 3 x P91 High Pressure Superheater Outlet Manifolds Case Studies The Group Unit Superheater Engineering Unit House, Elba Business Park, Elba Crescent, Swansea, SA1 8QE +44(0)1792 654 091 General Manager : Steve Foligno Birwelco 2nd Floor, Maybrook House, Queensway, Halesowen, West Midlands B63 4AH +44 (0) 121 585 5566 General Manager : Dave Ashby Unit Engineers and Constructors Lancaster Approach, North Killingholme, Immingham, DN40 3JZ. +44 (0) 1469 540 478 General Manager : Dave McIntyre UnitBirwelco IISP Thermal Equipment Private Limited A110 , 2nd Floor , Sector 136 Noida. Uttar Pradesh +44 (0) 121 585 5566 Managing Director : Vijay Singh UnitBirwelco Energy +44 (0) 121 585 5566 General Manager : Sudhir Arora

  • Produced Water Treatment | UnitBirwelco

    UnitBirwelco offers a full scope of in-house services: process and engineering design, manufacturing, installation and commissioning for Flare Gas Recovery. 火炬氣回收- 可持續解決方案 Birwelco has a longstanding history of specialised expertise in wastewater treatment plant design, with a dedicated division dedicated to this field. Our current team at Birwelco not only benefits from the legacy of past Birwelco contracts but also brings a wealth of experience gained through their collaborations with other prominent employers within the wastewater treatment sector. 作為全球領先的火炬系統供應商,我們40多年的經驗確保我們的火炬氣回收系統能夠滿足客戶的要求,並滿足最苛刻的行業和國際認可的標準。 我們的能力和經驗使我們能夠提供火炬氣回收裝置,作為新火炬系統的一部分或現有火炬系統中的額外安裝,所有這些都可以滿足客戶的特定要求。這些系統不僅可以通過貨幣增加價值,還可以通過積極減少廢氣排放來改善環境。 提供的服務 Hydroclones —Uses hydrodynamic cyclonic effect to generate high g-forces to separate phases efficiently in a very short residence time. —High oil removal efficiency, compact equipment, in-sensitive to external motion —Requires high pressure drop for efficient operation, requires steady inlet flow/conditions Gas Floatation methods Various technologies available to impart fine gas bubbles into water to lift out oil/solid particles —High oil removal efficiency, can handle wide range/ fluctuating inlet conc’s —Generally requires gas supply, required chemicals for enhanced performance Filtration methods —Various filtration technologies available from simple cartridge type, activated carbon, media bed (anthracite etc.) and Walnut Shell —Very high oil removal efficiency, can handle wide range/ fluctuating inlet concentrations —Problem with media disposal or regeneration, large complex systems for large flow rates Gravity / API Separators —Original treatment method —Large tank with high res. Time —Simple design, no moving parts, relatively cheap. —Large vessels, ineffective with small oil droplets, requires long res. Time to get efficient separation Typical Equipment Packages Modular Hydrocyclone/Flotation Package Deoiling Hydrocyclone Package (High Spec) Produced Water Injection Pumps Walnut Shell Filters Multimedia Filter Multimedia Filter Desanding Package Gas Flotation & Skimmer Packages Desanding Package Standard Deoiling Hydrocyclone Vessels Address Birwelco, 2nd Floor, Maybrook House, Queensway, Halesowen, West Midlands B63 4AH Phone +44 (0) 121 585 5566 Email Download Brochure Click here or click the download icon

  • ENGINEERING | UnitBirwelco

    UnitBirwelco has a global reputation for engineering best-in-class fired heaters, waste heat recovery units and flare systems. 工程 全世界 UnitBirwelco在製造一流的燃燒加熱器,廢熱回收裝置和火炬系統方面享譽全球。 “我們能夠開發最佳的技術和商業工程解決方案。憑藉廣泛的產品和服務,我們可以確保定制設計滿足您的需求” UnitBirwelco的前端工程設計包可識別完全定義工程範圍並確保順利過渡到物理工程階段所需的詳細程度。 通過全面了解客戶的需求,並利用內部施工,安全和運營方面的專業知識,我們能夠開發出最佳的技術和商業工程解決方案。 初始過程設計,HSE工程和過程控制研究使UnitBirwelco可以在充分了解整體工程解決方案的情況下有效地進入詳細設計。 UnitBirwelco具有多學科專業知識,包括: 工藝工程 儀器與系統集成 電機工程 設備 土木與結構工程 管道和機械工程 EC&I功能 我們還認識到與改造和翻新項目相關的額外困難,並且在管理與現有運營工廠和後續工程工作所需的接口工作方面擁有豐富的經驗。 查詢 我們隨時準備處理新項目,並幫助您提升業務。保持聯繫,開始聊天。 發送詢問 下載我們的手冊

  • HEAT EXCHANGERS | UnitBirwelco

    UnitBirwelco has designed and supplied more that 5,000 heat exchangers over the past 50 years, including coolers, evaporators, exchangers, reboilers, steam generators, superheaters and vaporiser units. 查詢 我們隨時準備處理新項目,並幫助您提升業務。保持聯繫,開始聊天。 發送詢問 下載我們的手冊 換熱器-世界聞名 在過去的50年中,UnitBirwelco設計並提供了5,000多個熱交換器,其中包括冷卻器,蒸發器,熱交換器,再沸器,蒸汽發生器,過熱器和蒸發器單元。 我們專注於設計和生產量身定制的單元,這些單元是為特定過程量身定制的。 交換器類型: 管殼式換熱器 U型管 固定管板 固定管板,帶伸縮接頭或填料接頭 浮管板(浮頭) 多管(棕鰭) 雙管 機械設計標準符合管狀交換器製造協會(TEMA),API 660,OCMA,ANSI ASTM,ASME和英國標準的要求。我們的質量控制體系符合ISO 18001。 UnitBirwelco質量

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